Archives - WDRA
- Vacancies 2024
- Corrigendum issued for the post of DD(SAO)(31.01.2025)
- Advertisement on recruitment for the post of DD(SAO) on deputation/absorption basis(25.11.2024)
- Corrigendum issued for the post of Deputy Director(Strategy Risk and Research)(31.01.2025)
- Advertisement for the post of Deputy Director(Strategy Risk and Research)(25.11.2024)
- Corrigendum issued for the post of Deputy Director(Stakeholders Affairs) (31.01.2025)
- Corrigendum issued for the post of Deputy Director(Stakeholders Affairs) (08.01.2025)
- Corrigendum issued for the post of Deputy Director(Stakeholders Affairs) (12.12.2024)
- Advertisement on recruitment for the post of Deputy Director(Stakeholders Affairs) on deputation/absorption basis(29.10.2024)
- Corrigendum for recruitment for the post of Assistant Director(Stakeholders Awareness and Outreach) on deputation/absorption basis (07.10.2024)
- Advertisement on recruitment for the post of Assistant Director(Stakeholders Awareness and Outreach) on deputation/absorption basis(23.08.2024)
- Corrigendum issued for the post of Assistant Director(Strategy Risk and Research) (31.01.2025)
- Corrigendum issued for the post of Assistant Director(Strategy Risk and Research) (12.12.2024)
- Advertisement on recruitment for the post of Assistant Director(Strategy Risk and Research) on deputation/absorption basis(29.10.2024)
- Corrigendum issued for the post of Assistant on deputation/absorption basis(06.11.2024)
- Corrigendum issued for the post of Assistant on deputation/absorption basis(21.10.2024)
- Corrigendum issued for the post of Assistant on deputation/absorption basis(30.09.2024)
- Advertisement on recruitment for the post of Assistant on deputation/absorption basis(13.08.2024)
- Corrigendum issued for the post of DD(HR) on deputation/absorption basis(30.09.2024)
- Advertisement on recruitment for the post of DD(HR) on deputation/absorption basis(13.08.2024)
- Cancellation Notice for vacancy to the post of Deputy Director (Operations)(31.01.2025)
- Corrigendum issued for the post of Deputy Director (operations) (08.01.2025)
- Corrigendum issued for the post of Deputy Director (operations) (12.12.2024)
- Advertisement on recruitment for the post of Deputy Director(Operations) on deputation/absorption basis(29.10.2024)
- Corrigendum issued for the post of engagement of Junior Consultants(IT) and Senior Consultant(IT) on contractual basis in WDRA (29-11-2024)
- Advertisement published for the post of engagement of Junior Consultants(IT) and Senior Consultant(IT) on contractual basis in WDRA (07-11-2024)
- Advertisement published for the post of engagement of Various Consultants on contractual basis in WDRA (05-08-2024)
- Advertisement published for the post of engagement of one Junior Consultant (A&F) on Contractual Basis (12-07-2024)
- Advertisement published for the post of engagement of one Senior Consultant (legal) on Contractual Basis(12-07-2024)
- Guidelines on empanelment of inspection agencies and inspection of warehouses dated 02 April 2024
- Guidelines on empanelment of inspection agencies and inspection of warehouses (28-02-2022)
- Guidelines on empanelment of inspection agencies and inspection of warehouses issued on 03.03.2017 by Warehousing Development and Regulatory Authority (WDRA) .
- Requirement of Security Deposit for registration of Warehouses storing agricultural commodities with WDRA(Revised on 04/12/2020)
- Requirement of Security Deposit for registration of Warehouses with WDRA (Archieved on 07-08-2020)
- RFP for Implementation and Support for Negotiable Warehouse Receipt System (NWRS)
- Negotiable Warehouse Receipt System (NWRS)” beyond 4th February 2013
- Corrigendum 1 and response to the bidder’s pre bid queries for the RFP for “Implementation and Support for Negotiable Warehouse Receipt System (NWRS)”
- Notice for Extension of bid submission date and Second Pre Bid Conference for RFP for “Implementation andSupport for Negotiable Warehouse Receipt System (NWRS)”
- (NWRS)” to 17th May 2013
- Negotiable Warehouse Receipt System (NWRS)” beyond 17 February 2013
- Corrigendum 3 to the RFP
- Reply to Queries of Microsoft & DellNotice Inviting enders (e-tender)
- Order/Circular/Notification
- Addendum - II to Guidelines on empanelment of inspection agencies and inspection of warehouses (21-09-2023)
- Discussion paper on requirements for registration of warehouses storing non-agricultural commodities, issuance of e-NWRs, Standard Operating Procedures (SOP), Inspection Guidelines for Warehouses in respect of non- agricultural goods (13-09-2021)
- New Insurance Process for registration of warehouse (08-09-2021)
- Correction of the error in registration certificate with respect to registration period (07-05-2021)
- Instructions regarding the Maintenance of records and accounts at warehouse premises (01-04-2021)
- Notification of 11 agri-commodities for issuance of eNWR (04-02-2021)
- Applications invited for Empanelment as assayer/assaying agency or firm (23-12-2020)
- Requirement of Security Deposit for registration of Warehouses with WDRA (04-12-2020)
- Issuance of e-NWR/e-NNWR by exchange-accredited warehouses-Issues reported (04-03-2020)
- WDRA instructions regarding renewal of registration after expiry of 90 days period (20-01-2020)
- Precaution during stock inspection (15-01-2020)
- WDRA instructions regarding shifting of residual stock from an existing warehouse to a new warehouse (08-01-2020)
- Requirement for Notification of New/Additional Commodities by WDRA(24-12-2019)
- Extension of date for Mandatory issuance of negotiable warehouse receipts in electronic form ( e-NWR) on Repositories (31-05-2019)
- Mandatory issuance of negotiable warehouse receipts in electronic form ( e-NWR) on Repositories(12-03-2019)
- Registration of warehouses for less than five years in case of limited period security deposit(06-09-2018)
- Corrigendum of Insurance policy(19-07-2018)
- Registration of Warehouseman in case of non-individual entities - Validity of Registration (10-07-2018)
- Guidelines on infrastructural requirement for registration of Primary Agricultural Cooperative Society (PACS) warehouses (29-06-2018)
- Online process of Renewal of Registration, modilications and Regulatory reporting - regarding) (09-03-2018)
- Notification of horticulture commodities for issuing NWR
- Circular of Introduction of NWR System in Primary Cooperative Societies (PCSs)
- List of commodities for storing in the warehouses and issuing NWR- Order no 1
- Circular for online process of registration(18-10-2017)
- Clarification on qualification of inspecting officers (31-08-2017)
- Insurance policies to be taken by the applicant/warehouseman for the purpose of registration / renewal of registration of warehouse (27-04-2017)
- Circular on insurance policies to be taken by the warehouseman for the purpose of accreditation and registration of warehouses (06-04-2016)'.
- Insurance policies to be taken by the warehouseman for the purpose of accreditation and registration of their warehouses (12-11-2014)
- Inspection of registered warehouses by accreditation agencies on behalf of the WDRA circular no.022014 (08-07-2014)
- Notification of commodities for storing in the warehouses and issuing NWR- Order no3(13-06-2014)
- Storage of food grains in warehouses belonging to Primary Cooperative Societies(PCSs) (06-09-2013)
- Circular of Revised Norms for Accreditation of warehouse (29-01-2013)
- List of commodities for storing in the warehouses and issuing NWR- Order no2 (12-08-2011)
- Constitution of Appellate Authority in respect of Warehousing Development and Regulatory Authority (18-01-2011)
- Notification for Constitution of the WDRA (26-10-2010)
- Notification for enforcement of the W(D&R) Act,2007 (25-10-2010)
- Registered Warehouses
- CWC registered warehouse state wise.
- SWC registered warehouse state wisePrivate registered warehouse state wise.
- Current Vacancies (30/09/2016)
- Recruitment for various posts on deputation basis.
- Extension of Last Date for Inviting Applications for Filling up the Posts on Deputation Basis.
- Current Vacancies(08/04/2016)
- Engagement of one consultant each for warehousing related technical works and accounts & finance works on contractual basis
- Vacancy Circular dated 06.02.2015
- Advt. for Engagement of Consultant for Accounts related works (09/12/2015) Corrigendum
- List of the Registered Warehouses
- List of the Warehouses Registered with the WDRA
- Date :28-03-2016
- State-wise List of the Warehouses Registered with WDRA
- Renewal of Registration of Warehouses
- List of Surrendered or Cancelled Registrations
- Date:15/04/2016:
- State-wise List of the Warehouses Registered with WD
- Renewal of Registration of Warehouses
- List of Surrendered or Cancelled Registrations
- English Page Date :01/09/2017
- Vacancy circular for the post of Chairperson, Warehousing Development and Regulatory Authority
- Filling up of the post of Joint Secretary (JS level)
- Recruitment to the post of Director (Tech.) on Deputation basis.
Tenders Archives Date-28-02-2025
- Corrigendum-2 in reference to the EOI for Comprehensive Insurance Product (31.01.2025)
- Corrigendum to Expression of Interest (EOI) For Empanelment as an Inspection Agency (28.01.2025)
- Expression of Interest (EOI) for Empanelment as an Inspection Agency (09.01.2025)
- Peak Value for Comprehensive Insurance Product For Registered//Applying for Registration of Warehouses with WDRA
- Corrigendum to Expression of Interest (EOI) For Comprehensive Insurance Product For Registered//Applying for Registration of Warehouses with WDRA (07.01.2025)
- Expression of Interest (EOI) For Comprehensive Insurance Product For Registered//Applying for Registration of Warehouses with WDRA (02.12.2024)
- Notice For Opening of Financial Bids on 08/05/2024 of the Technically Qualified Firms participated in the RFP for Onboarding of Managed Service Provider for Design, Development, Implementation, Operation & Maintenance ff WDRA Portal (06.05.2024)
- Corrigendum-4 issued on Request For Proposal (RFP) for Onboarding of Managed Service Provider for Design, Development, Implementation, Operation & Maintenance of WDRA Portal(02.02.2024)
- Reply to Prebid Queries on Request For Proposal (RFP) for Onboarding of Managed Service Provider for Design, Development, Implementation, Operation & Maintenance of WDRA Portal(12.01.2024)
- Corrigendum-3 issued on Request For Proposal (RFP) for Onboarding of Managed Service Provider for Design, Development, Implementation, Operation & Maintenance of WDRA Portal(12.01.2024)
- Corrigendum-2 issued on Request For Proposal (RFP) for Onboarding of Managed Service Provider for Design, Development, Implementation, Operation & Maintenance of WDRA Portal(03.01.2024)
- Corrigendum in change of Key dates on Request For Proposal (RFP) for Onboarding of Managed Service Provider for Design, Development, Implementation, Operation & Maintenance of WDRA Portal(02.01.2024)
- Request For Proposal (RFP) for Onboarding of Managed Service Provider for Design, Development, Implementation, Operation & Maintenance of WDRA Portal Volume - I (22.12.2023)
- Request For Proposal (RFP) for Onboarding of Managed Service Provider for Design, Development, Implementation, Operation & Maintenance of WDRA Portal Volume - II (22.12.2023)
- Request For Proposal (RFP) for Onboarding of Managed Service Provider for Design, Development, Implementation, Operation & Maintenance of WDRA Portal Volume - III (22.12.2023)
- Notification for Invitation of Tenders for Onboarding of Managed Service Provider for Design, Development, Implementation, Operation & Maintenance of WDRA Portal (22.12.2023)
- Short Term Request for Proposal (RFP) for engagement of Law Firm to review the proposed amendment to W (D&R) Act, 2007 (28.02.2023)
- Cancellation of Short Term Request for Proposal (RFP) dated 18.01.2023 seeking proposals for Reputed Law Firms to review the proposed amendment to W (D&R) Act, 2007 (F.No.H-11026/1/2020-NIC/2818) (22.02.2023)
- Short Term Request for Proposal (RFP) for engagement of Law Firm to review the proposed amendment to W (D&R) Act, 2007 (18.01.2023)
- Cancellation of Short Term Request for Proposal (RFP) dated 03.01.2023 for engagement of Reputed Law Firm to review the proposed amendment to W (D&R) Act, 2007 (F.No.H-11026/1/2020-NIC/2607) (18.01.2023)
- Short Term Request for Proposal (RFP) for engagement of Reputed Law Firm to review the proposed amendment to W (D&R) Act, 2007 (03.01.2023)
- CORRIGENDUM: Request for Proposal (RFP) for engagement of Reputed Law Firm to review the proposed amendment to W (D& R) Act, 2007 (03.01.2023)
- Engagement of Reputed Law Firm (26.12.2022)
- CORRIGENDUM: Expression of Interest (EOI) for Empanelment as an Inspection Agency uploaded on WDRA Website on 19.07.2022 (Corrigendum 3) (04.10.2022)
- CORRIGENDUM: Expression of Interest (EOI) for Empanelment as an Inspection Agency uploaded on WDRA Website on 19.07.2022 (Corrigendum 2) (01.09.2022)
- Tender details on ePublishing System, Government of India, CPP Portal regarding Expression of Interest (EOI) for empanelment of Inspection Agency (01.09.2022)
- Bid Document regarding Monthly Basis Cab & Taxi Hiring Services-Tender floated by WDRA on GeM Portal (25.08.2022)
- CORRIGENDUM: Expression of Interest (EOI) for Empanelment as an Inspection Agency uploaded on WDRA Website on 19.07.2022 (22.08.2022)
- Terms and Conditions For Empanelment of Inspection Agencies(19.07.2022)
- Expression of Interest (EOI) for Empanelment as an Inspection Agency (19.07.2022)
- Empanelled Inspection Agencies of WDRA (01.07.2021)
- Quotation for "Annual Maintenance Contract (Non Comprehensive)" with on call support of qualified Engineer/Technician for Computers (Desktops/Laptops), Printers, Scanner, Network equipment, CCTV &Peripherals (08.06.2021)
- Extension of last date of Submission of EoI for Legal Empanelment (13.05.2021)
- Notice for invitation for expression of interest (EoI) for Empanelment of Sr. Advocates/Advocates and/or Firm(s) of legal consultant (12.04.2021)
- Advertisement for empanelment of New Inspection Agency and terms and conditions (11.01.2021) - Last date of submission of EOI has been extended upto 05-03-2021 till 5PM
- Tenders Archives Date-06-06-2019
- WDRA invites Expression of Interest (EOI) for Empanelment as an Inspection Agency.
- Engagement of Chartered Accountant firm for Concurrent Audit and Consultancy (including Taxation) work of the Warehousing Development and Regulatory Authority (WDRA) for the financial year 2018-19 & 2019-20
- Tender for outsourcing of staff in the Warehousing Development & Regulatory Authority (23-July-2018)
- Tender for outsourcing of staff in the Warehousing Development & Regulatory Authority (10-Feb-2018)
- Tenders Date-01-02-2017
- Notice Inviting tender for hiring of taxis (cars)
- Notice inviting participation of System Integrators (SI) for discussion on RFP for Transformation Plan of WDRA
- E-Tender (Retender) for selection of an agency to conduct three annual quantitative sample surveys on warehousing in India – due on 19.03.2015(Cancelled)
- (i) Notice Inviting Tenders (e-tender)
- (ii)Tender Documents
- (iii)Click for e-Tendering
- (iv)Clarification/Replies to the Queries
- (a)Replies to the Queries during Pre-bid Meeting held on 03.3.15
- (b)E-Tendering Process Instructions
- (v)Corrigendum
- Notice for e-tenders for selection of an agency to conduct three annual quantitative sample surveys on warehousing in India-due On 16.02.2015 (Cancelled)
- Notice Inviting Tender (e-tender)
- Tender documents for selection of an agency to conduct three annual quantitative sample surveys on Warehousing in India
- Replies to the queries during Pre-Bid Meeting
- Corrigendum-I
- Engagement of Chartered Accountants Firm for preparing Annual Accounts of the WDRA for FY 2016-17 to 2017-18.
- E-tender for EOI for Management Consultant for Transformation of WDRA Date :04-07-2016
- NIT for e-tender EOI for Management Consultant for Transformation plan of WDRA
- Corrigendum – I to EOI for transformation plan of WDRA
- Clarifications to queries during pre bid meeting on 26.08.2015
- The Declaration of Short listed Firms for 'EoI titled ‘Selection of a Management Consultant for transformation of WDRA’ is rescheduled for next.
- Shortlisted firms for selection of a management consultant for Transformation of WDRA.
- Details of hiring of Office Space document.
- E-tender (RFP) for selection of an agency to conduct three annual quantitative sample surveys on warehousing in India-due On 17.06.2015 .
- Notice Inviting Tender e-tender
- Tender documents for(RFP) selection of an agency to conduct three annual quantitative sample surveys on Warehousing in India
- Click for e-Tendering
- E-Tendering Process Instructions
- Corrigendum-I
- Clarifications
- Addendum to E tendering Instructions
- Addendum to the clarifications
- Corrigendum-II
- Addendum-1
- Notice for postponement of opening of Technical Proposal
- Notification of Successful Bidder
- Added on 01-03-2016
- Notice Inviting Tenders
- Tender Documents for outsourcing of services
- List of bidders qualified in Technical Bid of tender outsourcing of Manpower 2015-16.
- Registration of Accreditation Agencies.
- List of Accreditation Agencies.
- State-wise List of the Warehouses Registered with the WDRA
- Renewed Registrations of Warehouses
- Warehouses Registration Cancelled
- About Us
- Composition of the Authority
- What’s New
- Engagement of Chartered Accountants Firm for preparing Annual Accounts of the WDRA for FY 2016-17 to 2017-18. (dated 04.07.2016)'.
- Date:14/07/2017
- Notice inviting participation of System Integrators (SI) for discussion on RFP for Transformation Plan of WDRA'
- Public Notice
- Inviting comments on draft concept note for inspection of Registered warehouses, warehousemen and oversight inspection agencies.
- Circular on insurance policies to be taken by the warehouseman for the purpose of accreditation and registration of warehouses (dated 06.04.2016)'.
- Request Inviting comments on draft Warehousing (Development and Regulation) Repository and Participants Rules, 2016
- Inviting Comments on Draft Registration of Warehouses Rules 2016
- Draft Warehousing (Development and Regulation) Repository and Participants Rules, 2016
- List of Accreditation Agencies of WDRA
- Request Inviting Comments on Concept Notes for Registration of Warehouses and Rating System.
- Report On Insurance Policies and Recommendations for Adequacy of Sum Insured
- Warehouse (Development and Regulation) Registration of Warehouses (Amendment) Rules, 2014.
- Warehousing (Development and Regulation) Registration of Warehouses (Amendment) Rules, 2015.
- Warehousing Development and Regulatory Authority (Warehouse Accreditation)(Amendment) Regulations, 2015
- Vacancies 2023
- Corrigendum: Extension of Last date for submission of application for the post of Under Secretary (Tech) and Principal Private Secretary on deputation/absorption basis (21.02.2024)
- Corrigendum: Extension of Last date for submission of application for the post of Deputy Director(SA) on deputation/absorption basis (06.02.2024)
- Corrigendum: Extension of Last date for submission of application for the post of Under Secretary(Tech) and Principal Private Secretary on deputation/absorption basis (31.01.2024)
- Corrigendum: Extension of Last date for submission of application for the post of Deputy Director (Stakeholder Affairs) on deputation/absorption basis (24.01.2024)
- Corrigendum: Extension of Last date for submission of applications for the post of Under Secretary(Technical) and PPS on deputation/absorption basis (15.01.2024)
- Engagement of Consultant (IT) on contractual basis (08.01.2024)
- Recruitment for the post of Chairman (WDRA)(28.12.2023)
- Corrigendum: Extension of Last date for submission of applications for the post of Deputy Director(Legal) and Deputy Director (Stakeholder Affairs) on deputation basis (19.12.2023)
- Recruitment for the post of Under Secretary (Technical) on deputation/absorption basis (08.12.2023)
- Recruitment for the post of Principal Private Secretary and Private Secretary on deputation/absorption basis (08.12.2023)
- Corrigendum and Extension of Last date for submission of applications for the post of Deputy Director(Legal) and Deputy Director (Stakeholder Affairs) on deputation basis (07.12.2023)
- Engagement of Consultant (Public Relations) on contractual basis (21.11.2023)
- Corrigendum: Extension of Last date for submission of applications for the post of Deputy Director(Legal) and Deputy Director (Stakeholder Affairs) on deputation basis (16.11.2023)
- Corrigendum: Extension of Last date for submission of applications for the post of Deputy Director(Stakeholder Affairs) and Deputy Director (Legal) on deputation basis (31.10.2023)
- Corrigendum: Extension of Last date for submission of applications for the post of Deputy Director(Stakeholder Affairs) and Deputy Director (Legal) on deputation basis (04.10.2023)
- Corrigendum: Extension of Last date for submission of applications for the post of Deputy Director (Stakeholder Affairs) on deputation basis (12.09.2023)
- Corrigendum: Extension of Last date for submission of applications for the post of Deputy Director (Legal) and Deputy Director (Stakeholder Affairs) on deputation basis (21.08.2023)
- Extension of Last date for submission of applications for the post of Deputy Director (Stakeholders Affairs) on deputation basis (07.08.2023)
- Recruitment for the posts of Deputy Director ((Stakeholders Affairs) on deputation basis (05.07.2023)
- CORRIGENDUM: Extension of last date for submission of application for the post of Deputy Director (Legal)and Assistant(Enforcement and legal) on deputation basis (23.06.2023)
- Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for the post of Deputy Director (Strategy Risk and Research), Deputy Director (Information Technology), Deputy Director (Legal), Principal Private Secretary (PPS), Assistant Director (Stakeholders Affairs), Assistant (Enforcement and Legal), Assistant (Strategy Risk and Research/ Operations/ Stakeholders Affairs/ Stakeholders Awareness and Outreach), Private Secretary on Deputation Basis.
- Recruitment for the posts of Deputy Director (Strategy Risk and Research) & Assistant Director (Stakeholders Affairs) on deputation basis (19.06.2023)
- CORRIGENDUM: Extension of last date for submission of application for the post of Deputy Director (IT) on deputation/absorption basis and PPS and PS on deputation basis (16.06.2023)
- Recruitment for the posts of Assistant (Strategy Risk and Research), Assistant (Operations), Assistant (Stakeholders Affairs) and Assistant (Stakeholders Awareness and Outreach) on deputation basis (05.06.2023)
- CORRIGENDUM: Extension of last date for submission of application for the post of Deputy Director (Legal) on deputation basis and Assistant (Enforcement & Legal) on deputation/absorption basis (02.06.2023)
- CORRIGENDUM: Extension of last date for submission of application for the post of Principal Private Secretary and Private Secretary on deputation basis and Deputy Director (Information Technology) on deputation/absorption basis (29.05.2023)
- CORRIGENDUM: Extension of last date for submission of application for the post of Deputy Director (Legal) on deputation basis and Assistant (Enforcement & Legal) on deputation/absorption basis (22.05.2023)
- CORRIGENDUM: Extension of last date for submission of application for the post of Deputy Director (Information Technology) on deputation/absorption basis (17.05.2023)
- CORRIGENDUM: Extension of last date for submission of applications for the posts of Principal Private Secretary (PPS) & Private Secretary (PS) on deputation basis (16.05.2023)
- CORRIGENDUM: Extension of last date for submission of applications for the posts of Principal Private Secretary (PPS) & Private Secretary (PS) on deputation basis and Deputy Director (Information Technology) on deputation/absorption basis (01.05.2023)
- CORRIGENDUM:Regarding relaxed criteria for the posts of Principal Private Secretary (PPS) & Private Secretary (PS) on deputation basis (13.04.2023)
- CORRIGENDUM:Regarding extension of last date for submission of application for the post of Deputy Director (Information Technology) on deputation/absorption basis (10.04.2023)
- Recruitment for the post of Deputy Director (Legal) on deputation basis (10.04.2023)
- Recruitment for the posts of Assistant (Information Technology) and Assistant (Enforcement and Legal) on deputation/absorption basis (10.04.2023)
- CORRIGENDUM:Regarding extension of last date for submission of application for the post of Deputy Director (Strategy Risk and Research), Deputy Director (Stakeholders Awareness and Outreach) and Staff/ Field Officer on deputation basis (03.04.2023)
- CORRIGENDUM:Regarding extension of last date for submission of application for the post of Principal Private Secretary and Private Secretary on deputation basis (03.04.2023)
- CORRIGENDUM:Regarding extension of last date for submission of application for the post of Deputy Director (Information Technology) on deputation/absorption basis (28.03.2023)
- CORRIGENDUM:Regarding deputation/absorption basis and extension of last date for submission of application for the post of Deputy Director (Information Technology) and Assistant Director (Information Technology) (16.03.2023)
- CORRIGENDUM:Extension of last date for submission of application for the post of Deputy Director (Information Technology) and Assistant Director (Information Technology) on deputation basis (09.03.2023)
- Recruitment for the post of Deputy Director (Strategy Risk and Research) on deputation basis (21.02.2023)
- Recruitment for the post of Deputy Director (Stakeholders Awareness and Outreach) on deputation basis (21.02.2023)
- CORRIGENDUM: Extension of last date for submission of application for the post of Deputy Director (Stakeholders Affairs) on deputation basis (15.02.2023)
- CORRIGENDUM: Extension of last date for submission of application for the post of Deputy Director (Stakeholders Affairs) on deputation basis (30.01.2023)
- CORRIGENDUM: Extension of last date for submission of application for the posts of Assistants (Strategy Risk and Research/ Operations/ Stakeholders Affairs/Stakeholders Awareness and Outreach), Assistant (Information Technology) & Assistant (Enforcement and Legal) on deputation basis (25.01.2023)
- CORRIGENDUM: Extension of last date for submission of application for the post of Accountant on deputation/absorption basis (24.01.2023)
- CORRIGENDUM: Extension of last date for submission of application for the post of Deputy Director (Stakeholders Affairs) on deputation basis (18.01.2023)
- CORRIGENDUM:Extension of last date for submission of application for the post of Deputy Director (Stakeholders Affairs) on deputation basis (17.01.2023)
- CORRIGENDUM:Increase of vacancies for the post of Assistant (SRR/Opns/SA/SAO) on deputation basis (16.01.2023)
- Recruitment for the posts of Assistant (Strategy Risk and Research/ Operations/ Stakeholders Affairs/Stakeholders Awareness and Outreach), Assistant (Information Technology) & Assistant (Enforcement and Legal) in the Warehousing Development and Regulatory Authority (WDRA) on deputation basis (06.01.2023)
- Vacancies 06-06-2019
- CORRIGENDUM: Extension of last date for submission of applications for the posts of Assistant (SRR/Opns/SA/SAO), Assistant (IT) and Assistant (E&L) on deputation basis (15.12.2022)
- CORRIGENDUM: Extension of last date for submission of applications for the posts of Assistant (SRR/Opns/SA/SAO), Assistant (IT) and Assistant (E&L) on deputation basis (06.12.2022)
- CORRIGENDUM: Extension of last date for submission of applications for the posts of Assistant (SRR/Opns/SA/SAO), Assistant (IT) and Assistant (E&L) on deputation basis (25.11.2022)
- CORRIGENDUM:Selection Process for the post of Principal Private Secretary reg. (16.11.2022)
- CORRIGENDUM:Extension of last date for submission of applications for the posts of Assistant (SRR/Opns/SA/SAO), Assistant (IT) and Assistant (E &L) on deputation basis (16.11.2022)
- Recruitment for the post of Principal Private Secretary on deputation basis (11.11.2022)
- Filling up the posts of Assistant (Strategy Risk and Research/ Operations/ Stakeholders Affairs/Stakeholders Awareness and Outreach), Assistant (Information Technology) & Assistant (Enforcement and Legal) in the Warehousing Development and Regulatory Authority (WDRA) on deputation basis (23.09.2022)
- Recruitment for the post of Principal Private Secretary on deputation/absorption basis (09.05.2022)
- Recruitment for the post of Under Secretary (Administration & Finance) on deputation/absorption basis (22.04.2022)
- CORRIGENDUM: Extension of last date for submission of applications on deputation/absorption basis (30.03.2022)
- Extension of last date for submission of application on deputation/absorption basis (03-03-2022)
- Recruitment for the post of Accountant on deputation/absorption basis (15-02-2022)
- Recruitment for various posts on deputation/absorption basis (04-01-2022)
- Extension of last date for submission of applications on deputation/absorption basis(20-12-2021)
- Recruitment for various posts on deputation/absorption basis
- Extension of last date of application for the post of Member WDRA (30-05-2021)
- Applications are invited for the post of whole time Chairperson in WDRA (22-05-2021)
- Recruitment for various posts on deputation/absorption basis (19-05-2021)
- Application for the post of member in Warehousing Development and Regulatory Authority (22-03-2021)
- CORRIGENDUM- Recruitment for various posts on deputation/absorption basis (12-03-2021)
- Recruitment for various posts on deputation/absorption basis (28-01-2021)
- Extension of last date for submission of applications on deputation (16-10-2020)
- Recruitment for various posts on deputation/absorption basis(03-10-2020)
- Recruitment for various posts on deputation basis(19-08-2020)
- Extension of last date for submission of application to the post of whole time chairperson in the Warehousing Developemnt and Regulatory Authority
- Extension of last date for submission of applications on deputation (01-06-2020)
- Recruitment for various posts on deputation basis (05-05-2020)
- Recruitment for seven posts on deputation basis (17-03-2020)
- Recruitment for nine posts on deputation basis (09-03-2020)
- Appointment to the post of whole time chairperson in the Warehousing Developemnt and Regulatory Authority
- Engagement of Two Consultant (Tech.) for warehousing related technical works on contractual basis.
- Engagement of Two External Professional (IT) /Consultant (IT) one each as Solution Architect and one as Senior Software engineer/ Software Engineer/Junior Software Engineer.
- Extension of last date for submission of applications on deputation
- Recruitment for private secretary on deputation basis
- Recruitment for various posts on deputation basis
- Engagement of Two External Professional (IT) /Consultant (IT) one each as Senior Software engineer and Software Engineer/Junior Software Engineer.
- Engagement of Two External Professional (IT) /Consultant (IT) one each as Solution Architect and one as Senior Software engineer/ Software Engineer/Junior Software Engineer.
- Engagement of one Consultant (Tech.) for warehousing related technical works on contractual basis.
- Filling up of one post of Member, Warehousing Development and Regulatory Authority (WDRA), a regulatory body under Department of Food and Public Distribution, Government of India. (11-Feb-2019)
- Recruitment for various posts on deputation basis in WDRA.
- Recruitment for various posts on deputation basis.
- Engagement of two Consultants (Tech.) for warehousing related technical works on contractual basis.
- Extension of last date for submission of applications on deputation
- Extension of last date of submission of application for engagement of two IT Experts till 31.03.2018
- Recruitment for various posts on deputation basis
- Engagement of Two IT Experts, one each as Solution Architect and one as Senior Software engineer/ Software Engineer/Junior Software Engineer, in WDRA on contract basis
- Applications are invited for appointment to the post of whole time Chairperson in the Warehousing Development and Regulatory Authority (English)
- Applications are invited for appointment to the post of whole time Chairperson in the Warehousing Development and Regulatory Authority (Hindi)
- Engagement of a Consultant for warehousing related technical works on contractual basis.
- CORRIGENDUM: Extension of last date for submission of applications on deputation/absorption basis (30.03.2022)
- Extension of last date for submission of application on deputation/absorption basis (03-03-2022)
- Recruitment for the post of Accountant on deputation/absorption basis (15-02-2022)
- Extension of last date for submission of applications on deputation (16-10-2020)
- Recruitment for various posts on deputation/absorption basis(03-10-2020)
- Recruitment for various posts on deputation basis(19-08-2020)
- Filling up of one post of Member, Warehousing Development and Regulatory Authority (WDRA), a regulatory body under Department of Food and Public Distribution, Government of India. (11-Feb-2019)
- Recruitment for various posts on deputation basis in WDRA.
- Recruitment for various posts on deputation basis.
- Engagement of two Consultants (Tech.) for warehousing related technical works on contractual basis.
- Extension of last date for submission of applications on deputation
- Extension of last date of submission of application for engagement of two IT Experts till 31.03.2018
- Recruitment for various posts on deputation basis
- Engagement of Two IT Experts, one each as Solution Architect and one as Senior Software engineer/ Software Engineer/Junior Software Engineer, in WDRA on contract basis
- Applications are invited for appointment to the post of whole time Chairperson in the Warehousing Development and Regulatory Authority (English)
- Applications are invited for appointment to the post of whole time Chairperson in the Warehousing Development and Regulatory Authority (Hindi)
- Engagement of a Consultant for warehousing related technical works on contractual basis.
- Vacancy circular for the post of Chairperson, Warehousing Development and Regulatory Authority
- Filling up of the post of Joint Secretary (JS level)
- Recruitment to the post of Director (Tech.) on Deputation basis.
- RULES(Date :18-08-2017)
- The Warehousing (Development and Regulation) Registration of Warehouses Rules, 2010
- Warehousing (Development and Regulation) Registration of Accreditation Agencies Rules, 2010
- Warehousing (Development and Regulation) Registration of Warehouses Rules, 2010
- Warehousing (Development and Regulation) Registration of Warehouses (Amendment) Rules, 2015.
- Warehousing (Development and Regulation) Registration of Warehouses Rules, 2017.
- नियम (Date :18-08-2017)
- भांडागारण (विकास और विनियमन ) प्रत्यायन अभिकरण नियम २०१०
- भांडागारण (विकास और विनियमन ) भांडागारों का रजिस्ट्रीकरण नियम , २०१०
- भांडागारण (विकास और विनियमन ) भांडागारों का रजिस्ट्रीकरण (संशोधन) नियम, २०१४
- भांडागारण (विकास और विनियमन ) भांडागारों का रजिस्ट्रीकरण (संशोधन) नियम , २०१५<
- REGULATIONS(Date :18-08-2017)
- Warehousing Development and Regulatory Authority (Warehouse Accreditation)(Amendment)Regulations, 2015
- Warehousing Development and Regulation (Registration of Accreditation Agency) Regulations, 2011
- Warehousing Development and Regulatory Authority (Warehouse Accreditation) Regulations, 2011.
- Warehousing Development and Regulatory Authority (Negotiable Warehouse Receipts) Regulations, 2011
- विनियम(Date :18-08-2017)
- भांडागारण विकास और विनियामक प्राधिकरण (भांडागार प्रत्यायन ) (संशोधन) विनियम , २०१५
- भांडागारण विकास और विनियामक प्राधिकरण(प्रत्यायन अभिकरण का रजिस्ट्रीकरण) विनियम, २०११
- भांडागारण विकास और विनियामक प्राधिकरण (भांडागार प्रत्यायन ) विनियम , २०११
- भांडागारण विकास और विनियामक प्राधिकरण (परक्राम्य भांडागार प्राप्तियां) विनियम , २०११
- Tenders(Date :18-09-2017)
- Amendment WDRA Registration of Warehouse Rules 2010
- Revised norms for accreditation of warehouses
- Empanelment of Accreditation Agencies
- Accreditation Fee
- Accreditation of Warehouses belonging to PCSs - relaxation of norms
- Inspection of registered warehouses by accreditation agencies on behalf of the WDRA
- Revised checklist for warehouse accreditation.
- Expression of Interest (EOI) for Empanelment as an Inspection Agency(Date :28-06-2018)
- [A] Notice
- [B] Terms and Conditions for Empanelment of Inspection Agencies.
- [C] Corrigendum
- RPF for Selection of System Integrator(SI) for providing IT systems under Transformation Plan of WDRA(Date :28-06-2018)
- [A] Notice Inviting Tender (NIT)
- [B] RPF Documents.
- i) Volume 1
- ii) Volume 2
- Annexure 1
- Annexure 2
- Annexure 3
- Annexure 4
- iii) Volume 3
- [C] Email address for communication:
- [D] Corrigendum
- [E] Corrigendum to RFP
- [F] Clarifications to pre-bid queries.
- [G] Corrigendum: Date of Bid Submission and Opening for RFP for Selection of System Integrator for IT Systems for WDRA' has been extended.
- [H] Corrigendum ( Corrigendum to the RFP titled “Selection of SI for providing Software for Transformation Plan of WDRA”
- [I] Notice: Date of Submission and Opening of RFP for selection of System Integrator for IT Systems of WDRA has been extended to 28.3.2017.
- [J] Corrigendum Dated 10.03.2017.
- [K] Successful Bidder
- Repository(Date :28-06-2018)
- Call for Applications for Grant of Certificate of Registration to a Repository.
- [A] Documents of Call for Applications for grant of Certificate of Registration to Repository.
- a) Call for Applications
- b) Annexure I - Scope of Work
- c) Annexure II - Forms for Eligibility
- [B] Clarifications/Corrigendum
- a) Clarifications - WDRA Response to Queries on Call for Applications.
- b) Corrigendum for Call For Applications.
- [C] Eligibility Criteria of 4.2.1 in correct format.
- [D] List of eligible applicants.
- In respect of 'Call for Application dated 25.10.2016 for Grant of Certificate of Registration to Repository, the following two applicants are found to be eligible and qualified for further Business and Technical Presentation and Evaluation.
- a) Central Depository Services (India) Limited (CDSL),
- b) National Commodity & Derivatives Exchange Limited (NCDEX).
- [c] Following two applicants have been qualified to set up Repository and letter of Intent(LoI) is issued (Dated 23.12.2016)
- 1. NCDEX
- 2. CDSL