Lemon - WDRA
Commodity Code - 310
Commodity Name - Lemon
Commodity Scientific Name - Citrus limon (L)

Kargzi lime, Assam lemon, Italian lemon, Pant lemon, Galgal, Eureka lemon, Sevilla, Malta lemon, Vikram, Prumalini, PKM, and Sai Sharbati
Lemons shall be the fruits obtained from varieties (cultivars) of Citrus Limon (L). Burm f. and its hybrid of the Rutaceae family.
Maturity Requirements
Colouring :Colouring must be typical of the variety. No lemon fruit shall be entirely dark green. The fruit should be light green and shining.
Minimum Juice content: The juice content is calculated in relation to the total weight of the fruit. Minimum Juice Content : 25 %
Grade designations | Grade requirements | Grade tolerances |
1 | 2 | 3 |
Extra class | Lemons shall be of superior quality. They shall be characteristic of the variety and/or commercial type in shape, external appearance, development and colouring. They must be free of defects, with the exception of very slight superficial defects provided these do not affect the general appearance of the produce, the quality, the keeping quality and presentation in the package. Lemons must be uniform in colouring. | 5 % by number or weight of lemons not satisfying the requirements of the grade, but meeting those of Class I grade or, exceptionally, coming within the tolerances of that grade. |
Class I | Lemons shall be of good quality.They shall be characteristic of the variety and/or commercial type. Following slight defects may be there, provided these do not affect the general appearance of the produce, the quality, the keeping quality and presentation in the package. Lemons may have the following defects.
| 10 % by number or weight of lemons not satisfying the requirements of the grade, but meeting those of Class II or, exceptionally, coming within the tolerances of that grade. |
Class II | This grade includes lemons which do not qualify for inclusion in the higher grades, but satisfy the minimum requirements. Following defects may be there, provided the lemons retain their essential characteristics as regards the quality, the keeping quality and presentation in the package;
| 10 % by number or weight of lemons not satisfying the requirements of the grade,but meeting the minimum requirements. |
Other Requirements
The lemons shall have been carefully picked and have reached an appropriate degree of development and display satisfactory ripeness in accordance with criteria proper to the variety and to the area in which they are grown. The development and condition of the lemons must be such as to enable them;
to withstand transport and handling, and
to arrive in satisfactory condition at the place of destination.
The content of each package shall be uniform and contain only lemons of the same origin, variety, quality, size code, same degree of ripeness and development.
The use of any substance tending to modify the natural characteristics of the lemons, especially its taste or smell is prohibited.
The lemons shall be presented :
Arranged in regular layers in packages. It is mandatory for “Extra Class” and optional for Class I and II
Not arranged in regular layers in packages or in bulk bins. This presentation is only allowed for Classes I and II.
Provisions Concerning Sizing
Size is determined by the maximum diameter of the equatorial section of the fruit in accordance with the following table.
Size Code Diameter(in mm.) A 45-50 B 51-56 C 57-62 D 63-68 E 69-74 F 75 and above -
Size Tolerance : For all classes, 10 % by number or weight of lemons corresponding to the size immediately below and/or above that mentioned on the packages. In any case, the tolerance of 10 % applies only to fruit not smaller than the minimum of 45 mm.
General Characteristics
Lemons shall be
fresh in appearance
sound with characteristics shape of the variety
clean, free from any visible foreign matter;
free from bruising and/or extensive healed over cuts; (h) free from damage caused by pest or diseases
free from abnormal external moisture, excluding condensation following removal from cold storage
free from any foreign smell and/or taste; (k) free from signs of internal shriveling;
free from damage caused by low temperature and/or high temperature or frost.
They shall comply with the residue levels of heavy metals, Pesticides and other food safety parameters as laid down by the Codex Alimentarius Commission for exports.
Lemons shall have minimum diameter of 45 mm.
Lemons shall be
intact, firm, clean, of reasonably uniform size, & shape, color characteristics to the variety
free from visible foreign matter, abnormal external moisture, foreign smell
S.no. | Tradable parameters | Range-1 | Range-2 | Range-3 |
A | Essential | |||
i | Size(Diameter) | Above 30 mm | 20 to 30 mm | Below 20 mm |
ii | Defects % by count (Max):-(i) Colour | 3% | 5% | 7% |
(ii)Scratches scars, scrapes and blemishes (0.5-1 sq. cm. of total surface area) | 3% | 5% | 7% | |
ii | Range Acceptance | 95% | 90% | 85% |
B | Optional (Industrial/Processors) | |||
i | Color (%)(Characteristic true to the variety) Scale (1 to 100*) /Visual(*100% is true to variety colour) | More than 70 | Between 40-70 | Less than 40 |
5 % or minimum one container shall be randomly selected for sampling
10 Nos shall be drawn from each selected container and shall be mixed homogenously , called as primary sample
5 nos. shall be drawn from primary sample called as Laboratory sample
Optional parameters are voluntary and may be analyzed as per buyer-seller agreement.
Total Shelf Life - 6 Months
Initial Validity of e NWR - 4 Months
Extension of e NWR Validity - 1 Months
Number of Extensions - 2*1 Months
Weight Tolerance - Loss or gain equivalent to 70% of the decrease or increase in the moisture content during storage