नेविगेशन मेनू


Commodity Code - 935
Commodity Name - Garlic (Dehydrated)
Commodity scientific Name - Allium sativum L.


Agrifound White (G-41), Yamuna Safed (G1), Yamuna Safed-2 (G-50), Yamuna Safed-3 (G-282), Yamuna Safed-4 (G323), Yamuna Safed-5 (G-189), Godavari, Shweta, Phule, Baswant, GG 4, Ooty 1, VL Garlic 1, VL Lahsun 2, Agrifound Parvati, Agrifound Parvati-2 (G408)


Grades Extraneous Matter (%) MAX Moisture,(% by weight) MAX Total ash on dry basis (% by dry weight) MAX Ash insoluble in dil. HCl (% by weight) MAX Cold water soluble extract on dry basis (% by weight) Volatile organic sulphur compound on dry basis (% by weight) MIN Peroxidase test
Not applicable 0.5 8 5.0 0.5 >=70 and <=90 0.3 Negative

Dried (Dehydrated) Garlic (Lahsun) means the product obtained by drying by any suitable method which ensures characteristics of fresh garlic on rehydration the cloves of Allium sativum L. without bleaching or precooking.



Shelf Life 12 Months
Initial Validity of e NWR 06 Months
Extension of e NWR Validity 03 Months
Number of Extensions 02 (2X3 months)
* Shelf life as given is applicable if the temperature of storage is maintained at -1°C to 1°C